good and bad things to muse about.

the good:

yay! teaching workload currently decreased abit.  As there are no extra classrooms at the moment, partner and me cannot split up the class and go teach in different classrooms, so we kinda decided to parallel teach. currently i only need to settle p2 chinese and p1, 2, 5 CME. totally manageable.  

downside is, i will get back all the work in Term 4 as partner will be on maternity leave then.  oh well, i should count my blessings, at least i get some periods off for term 3.

the bad: 

- more admin work passed on to me because i have lesser periods. boo. sometimes i think i might be some kind of pushover.  People ask me "过来帮我一下可以吗?”and i say yes (cannot refuse right).

- shite. freaking difficult  class to teach. SUPER ANG MO TYPE.  i say “树枝”and they say "shoo chee". despite repeating 5 times i still get "shoo chee".  i cant be constantly speaking English, this is a Chinese lesson for goodness' sake.

- i have a bunch of princesses. really. i got them to sit infront of me (as i usually do with all lower pri students), and they went, "we can't, the floor is dirty." "how can we sit on the floor?" "my parents don't let me sit on the floor."  我想綵益如果教这一班她肯定气结。

-  i have a kid with attitude problem and her mother who spoiled her.  the mother actually called admin office asking for my HANDPHONE number, and when admin asked her why, she said she wanted to keep the contact numbers of her daughter's teachers so she can contact them conveniently.
I AM YOUR DAUGHTER'S TEACHER, NOT YOUR MAID. you have queries or enquiries or whatever, you either call me via the staff room number or you come down to the school to see me. i do not bite, i assure you.  BUT I AM NOT YOUR 24/7 HOTLINE ON STANDBY.
thank god admin was smart enough to fend off the mother, saying hp numbers are private.  darn right its private.

this is machiam ranting session lar. adjusting to this new environment is kinda hard.  but im trying, really i am. but in the midst i just might be a bit off temper lar.

oh yea, can i request that none of you mention the place where i teach at on this blog?  i.e. when you leave comments, do not, howsoever, mention the name of my teaching place.  i find it impossible to lock up the whole blog, and i do not want this blog to be found by typing the name of the place in the Google searchbar. thank you!


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