my kids are gold. :)

i love them :)

my P3s:

they can pose right!!!!  omg *heart heart heart*

check out the cheeky boy in red in front! aaaah he's really a 小帅哥!i love to tease him, haha.  lets hope he doesn't grow up to be a heartbreaker next time!

my P3s were really sweet.  i originally intended to use only the last 15min of my CT's lesson to give out presents and say my goodbyes to the kids... but 2 of the kids came knocking on the staff room door wanting to see me when the lesson was supposed to have started. 

“洪老师!来来来快点!!”(practically pushed me out of the door)


“现在啦!”(whisper whisper giggle giggle)

i was wondering if my CT had put them up to this.

upon reaching the classroom....


i obediently obeyed.

“ok 可以开了!”

they shouted "surprise!" and pulled up the OHP screen.  There in front of me, on the whiteboard in different marker colours , were farewell messages scrawled on the whiteboard for me.

sorry it looks messy.  but trust me, when the screen was lifted up, i nearly cried. Tears did come out actually, and i was biting my lip very hard to keep them from spilling.

i heart the kids.

i shall try and see if i can upload the video of the kids later.

P2s were equally heartwarming... when the time came for them to take informal shots with me, one person screamed “我要跟洪老师!!”and soon everybody crowded around.  My CT who was acting as photographer then laughed his head off.  finally he saw that i was really almost mobbed by the kids, he spoke into the microphone “好,好!你们坐下!你看,看不到洪老师了!”still, the kids remained standing, which resulted in.....

yes, which resulted in a picture of me with only my eyes seen. HAHAHA.

i heart the kids.

they're golden, really! :)

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